- What is social prescribing?
- Social Prescribing animation: youtube.com/watch?v=HkBorjikoJk&list=PLFwV3fL04NbERthDG4Ox6sJYAfG3j3kCN&t=4s
- National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP): socialprescribingacademy.org.uk/about-us/what-is-social-prescribing/
- #PodcastOnPrescription: National Academy for Social Prescribing and Dr Radha Modgil shine a light on the importance of Social Prescribing: pod.co/podcast-on-prescription
- Social prescribing in practice
- NHS England: videos and written case studies featuring professionals and individuals on their experiences of social prescribing: england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/social-prescribing/case-studies/
- Mind Cymru: social prescribing and mental health project: mind.org.uk/about-us/mind-cymru/social-prescribing/
- NASP: Libraries and social prescribing webinar: socialprescribingacademy.org.uk/resources/webinar-libraries/
- Information & resources for professionals
- Library staff social prescribing toolkit developed by The Reading Agency to help library staff develop their social prescribing offer. It includes an overview of social prescribing, and guidance on working with partners and Link Workers locally: reading-well.org.uk/resources/4984
- Public library social prescribing offer infographic, customizable for a local service context: reading-well.org.uk/resources/4752
- Further information on social prescribing from the NHS for health and care professionals: england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/social-prescribing
Further information on social prescribing from The Kings Fund, including links to further reading and resources on the subject: www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/social-prescribing