Care Quality Commission

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are the independent regulator of health and social care in England.  They ensure we, as a provider of a health and social care service, provide our clients with safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led provisions.  These important characteristics are what the CQC inspection teams use as a framework to assess our service.  They are called key lines of enquiries (KLOESs).

We are proud to say that all our branches are rated ‘good’ although we never sit back on our laurels and are always striving to improve our service.  We welcome feedback from our clients and staff and this can be done here

You can find each branch ‘s latest CQC Inspection here.

Maidstone | Southampton | Lewes

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are the independent regulator of health and social care in England.  They ensure we, as a provider of a health and social care service, provide our clients with safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led provisions.  These important characteristics are what the CQC inspection teams use as a framework to assess our service.  They are called key lines of enquiries (KLOESs).

We are proud to say that all our branches are rated ‘good’ although we never sit back on our laurels and are always striving to improve our service.  We welcome feedback from our clients and staff and this can be done here

You can find each branch ‘s latest CQC Inspection here.

Maidstone | Southampton | Lewes

Key Lines Of Enquiries (KLOEs)


Safe To ensure our clients are protected from physical, sexual, mental or psychological, financial, neglect, institutional or discriminatory abuse. abuse
We have a robust recruitment process in place including ID checks, right to work in the UK checks, Disclosure Barring Service  check and obtaining 2 references.
We have a solid induction & Training program for all our staff which includes training on Safeguarding, The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Health & Safety, Basic life Support and First Aid, Infection Prevention Control, Moving and handling and Medication administration; along with client specific training such as clinical training and Behaviours that Challenge.
We also have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures in place.
Our Nurse case manager audits our clients’ daily recording logs and Medication Administration Records every month.
Spot checks are carried out at least twice a year.  This can be face to face or virtually.
Staff have regular supervisions and team meetings either face to face or virtually.
We have robust procedures for reporting concerns, incidents, near misses and will seek learning outcomes which is shared with our staff.
Effective To ensure our clients’ care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence
We engage with our stakeholders including commissioners, their case managers and other professionals involved in the health and wellbeing of the client.
New clients will have a meeting with our Nurse Case managers to assess including their nutrition, hydration, clinical, social and holistic needs and to carry our risk assessments. These are used to produce personalised Care plans and guidelines which are shared with the client/family and the staff before starting the package.
Our nurse case managers will work closely with all our clients and will undertake at least 2 reviews of the care plan per year. They will react immediately, if there are any changes to client needs.
We have a robust Training program for all our staff. We monitor training needs and ensure training is renewed in line with Skills for Care and NICE recommendations.
We actively engage with our staff and clients to monitor and improve our service. Outcomes for our clients are consistent and regularly exceed expectations.
We recognise that the continuing development of our staff’s skills, competence and knowledge is key to providing high quality care and we support our staff to do this through regular training sessions, supervisions, observations, spot checks. We support our nursers with their revalidation.
We work collaboratively and innovately to ensure our service continues when adverse situations arise.
Caring To ensure our service involves and treats our clients and their families with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
We offer a personalised approach to care planning. We always take our client’s personal, cultural, social and religious needs into account where needed, and find innovative ways to meet them. We are always conscious that our client’s emotional and social needs are as important as their physical needs. We aim to empower our clients to have a voice and that their choices are respected.
We are passionate about dignity, privacy and respect and it underpins everything we do.
Our staff often go the extra mile in support our clients.
Responsive To ensure our service meets our client’s and their family’s needs.
Our client’s needs and choices are integral to the service we provide.
We have a flexible approach to providing our service and wherever possible will meet the client’s preferences for shift times
We have an ‘Out of Office Hours’ on call system for both staff and clients to access.
We encourage honest and open communications between our staff and clients so that concerns are picked up on and acted on in a timely manner
We welcome multidisciplinary ways of working to ensure the most efficient use of client’s/family’s time for car plan reviews
We don’t always get things ‘spot on’ but we investigate each incident thoroughly and look for learning outcomes and actions as an opportunity to learn and improve our service.
We encourage feedback both positive and negative and we have a written Complaints procedure which is given to all our clients/families at the beginning of their service with us. Alternatively, we can be contacted by this link
Well-led To ensure our leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality and person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.
Our organisation has at its core a compassionate, inclusive and effective ethos Managers at all levels from our Managing Director, Directors, down to our frontline staff demonstrate this belief in all that they do.
Our managers and directors have a clear vision driven by quality and sustainability; and a deep understanding of their priorities and challenges.
Our managers and directors build strong relationships with our commissioners and other external professionals and will work collaboratively with them.
Our managers are experienced and have many years of working in the Care sector. They continually develop their learning to keep up to date with their training and knowledge.
Our managers and directors are very visible and approachable to all. They encourage compassionate, inclusive and supportive relationships and respect and value our clients and workforce.
We have clear and effective processes for managing risks, issues and performance supported by our policies.
We have robust quality assurance processes in place including observations of staff, spot checks, regular supervision, audits of client daily recording logs, staff compliance, health & safety.
Our organisation has a systematic approach to monitoring, reviewing and progression including external sources. Plans are consistently implemented and followed which has a positive effect on our service.
We effectively encourage our workforce to speak up and raise concerns so we can act swiftly and efficiently to rectify. We take our Duty of Candour most seriously and will be honest and open with parties concerned and apologise when we get things wrong.

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Speak to a member of our friendly operations team based near you.