We’ve all found ourselves under pressure. Lockdown has affected us all in different ways, and it is only normal to feel uncertain about what the future holds. The stress of this uncertainty could be having an impact on your mental health too. Whatever you’ve been through this year, World Mental Health Day is a chance to make a positive change for the mental health of your workplace. But it can be hard to know where to start sometimes.
As a way of reflecting on this we chose to adopt MIND’s “Do One Thing” and asked for our staff to join in a little mental wellbeing competition and send their top tips for helping their own mental health with a prize for the best entry.
Responses included going for walks and engaging with nature; snuggling up on the sofa with their children to watch a soppy movie; doing a virtual exercise programme; planting seeds and gardening; doing creative things like making cards and writing letters to friends. All really good tips we think you will agree!
We are pleased to announce the winner Debbie Driver from our Sussex branch who has worked for us for many years. This was her entry along with a photo of her collecting prize.

“I have lots of strategies for keeping well, probably the best one is to always find something positive out of a negative. As I haven’t been able to have my disabled daughter home, I have spent lots more time with Mum who is 89, which has been great. Also, the reason I chose to be a Foster carer, and carer for Unity, I understand how the parents feel when they have someone they know and trust as I have been through it all myself, and know how vital good support is. I don’t know if you know that my daughter is a twin, and her sister was still born, once you have been through that, it puts life in a whole different perspective.”